Tannenbaum De-Vent-Pierre 2013
Tannenbaum De-Vent-Pierre 2013 avatar

Tannenbaum……. translated from Deutsch (German), it is “fir tree”. It also relates to gangsters and many other things, but in this case it is affectionately known as my Xmas celebration during the decorating of my Christmas tree.  It takes me back to my childhood when all I had was some crape paper a coat hanger and a broomstick to welcome the Yuletide. I’ll leave that story for another time of good tales.


For many years now close friends and family have congregated at my place to decorate my Christmas tree. We all follow an agenda that ensures cherished memories for years to come. We have also enjoyed communications from those who cannot be there at the time and shared their decorations that have been faxed for inclusion.

Decorations are created (then and there) from bundles of ribbons and coloured paper, strings, crayons and many other creations that I did not have the heart to discard from last years Tannenbaum. The favourites that come to mind are The peanut trumpeter by Tineke, aluminium angel by Tia Cooper, and fine creations too many to mention from Karen Beggs as she never misses the opportunity.

It is a time to let go and be included, releasing inhibitions and acknowledging your held back or hidden talents by unleashing them on the festivities to be shared with appreciative participants who are able to witness the phenomena on and around the tree. Shrieks of glee and enjoyment abound allowing ones reservations to disappear.

Stories creep in from past celebrations about the talents of those who weren’t able to attend this time…… Hmm, It’s not exactly the way I can recall but it certainly made me feel glad to experience this one and be able to stretch the story for next year.

It is about now that the pre-wrapped gifts are emptied under the tree from sacks that were stored away from sticky fingers. There is standing room only as participants scramble to read the captions on the gifts. Captions are cryptic and require a sense of humour or the ability to be able to read my mind at the time. Discussions and stories now raise to the next level of obscurity about the captions on the gifts which may help to reveal its possible content.

Yes, it is an advantage to feel the package as a further clue to its content, because when it comes time to pick out a gift for yourself, it would be nice if it were something that you would find useful. Remember that all gifts have a price tag of around $2. The question remains, what is there to loose if you guessed incorrectly?

My intentions are to create a Christmas gift receiving environment where the focus is not on the gift but on the good times receiving it. Gifts are able to be swapped returned and replaced for a better one and so on. I believe that the swap time that follows is just as memorable.

Last year we enjoyed inclusions from the talented ones that offered their participation and skills in the form of a performance. This was a precedent that was received with much appreciation and now, probably, anticipation. I provided a public address system with a unique form of lighting which enhanced the experience. Last years post of the event captures some highlights.

More friends and family now make the pilgrimage to be included in an unforgettable years end. Stories now can turn to reality and intrigue as I discuss further inclusions with interested participants. Timing of this event has always interfered with many functions at the end of the year. The popularity of this event has now dictated some consistency with a stake in the calender to allow plenty of time for adequate notice. The first weekend in December is the usual. Tannenbaum De-Vent-Pierre 2013 will take place on the 7th December. See you there.


About nic

During the years 2005-6, I was living in Wamberal NSW Australia when the posty delivered a life changing real-estate brochure. The slump in real-estate in my area meant that I was going to work just to keep the bank and local government afloat. The decision to re-locate was not hard. And now we are all enjoying this Jindy blog.
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2 Responses to Tannenbaum De-Vent-Pierre 2013
Tannenbaum De-Vent-Pierre 2013 avatar

  1. Mun Mun says:

    James, your comment from last year didn’t go unnoticed. 😉
    We are looking forward to being there. It will be a flying visit but glad to be able to finally make it.
    Has anyone booked out Dogbite yet? If so, what about caravan 1?

    • nic nic says:

      To be fair, i’ll report the sequence of inquiry in the order of events. See as follows:

      James and Karen Beggs said as far back as last year that they were coming as they always do. Along with James reconfirmation, Aubrey and Marion Beggs confirmed their intentions during Aubrey’s birthday party earlier this year. Carol Luntungan confirmed your intentions some time after that. Erin has shown here dilemma in a previous post.

      So Mun, what do you suggest? The Beggses may have already re-booked last years lodging at Berridale.

      I could prepare some accommodation at Paul’s place for that weekend as he will be coming home for Xmas the following weekend. It is early enough notice to organise something on the property to accommodate everybody. So I would like both Mun and James to have a conversation with me please?

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