Avatars avatar

i’ve asked James to recommend an avatar generator. Haven’t heard back yet.

Maybe someone else can recommend or do research on some cool generator program and upload processes.

i kinda like this one: http://www.shrinkpictures.com/create-avatar/

The program that we choose to imbed in this site will need to be compatible with this version of Word press. The first icon on the tool bar may reveal the release version.


About nic

During the years 2005-6, I was living in Wamberal NSW Australia when the posty delivered a life changing real-estate brochure. The slump in real-estate in my area meant that I was going to work just to keep the bank and local government afloat. The decision to re-locate was not hard. And now we are all enjoying this Jindy blog.
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5 Responses to Avatars
Avatars avatar

  1. Jim jim says:

    Ok, just go onto the site .. (Been a long week … i just bought another motorbike ….)

    Go to your Profile (Top right)
    Edit your Profile
    Right at the bottom you can upload your own profile pic, your ‘avatar’

    I can also upload a bunch of ‘generic’ ones if you want…. let me know

    Hope this helps !

    • nic nic says:

      Yeh, would be good for u to upload some generic jobbies. Subscribers can then choose one and get started preceding an upload to update to their avatar.

    • Mun Mun says:

      How do we make it so if clicked on the avatar expands ( to be able to see/read the detail)? [mind you, this isnt a biggy, its just hat mine is a bit funny)

      • nic nic says:

        That would be a Gif animated Avatar. As you are an Admin to this site/blog. They are available, maybe search the net for a download, convert it, then upload it. if you have trouble, summons Jinni James.

  2. Jim Jim says:

    Hmmmm .. Will look soon . . .

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