On the approach to winter 2013, the Jindabyne Dam released massive flows to flush out years of debris. This provoked concerns about the habitation of fish in our part of the Snowy River. On this anxiety, I invited a local legendary Polish fisherman, known as Mathew Bocian to investigate the activity of fish along our own 2 kilometre river frontage which forms our South boundary. The result of which can be seen on YouTube.
See link: http://youtu.be/jT61k-_bn4Q
Mathew Bocian enjoyed himself so much that day that he has furnished me with information on how to build our own large smoking unit. This could be interesting ay?!
I was so impressed with his fishing skills that I created a space on our web server for him and entitled it “Bociangling”. The data is purposefully large to suit the current smart phone downloads. See the link below:
Following the above posts, there has been further interest in this finding that the boys from the Snowy Mountain’s Cookie Factory have pushed for a “Fish-off” along our part of the Snowy River. The event is intended to be held on the weekend after the long weekend in October. Hope you-all can make it.
So if you don’t catch anything, you will at least see how it is done by a professional.
I heard on the local radio that there is a large water release from the Jindabyne dam due on the 12th October. This would mean that the Fish-Off will be best postponed by a week to Saturday the 19th October 2013.
The Jindabyne Dam water release has not yet subsided and has been consistent for some time now. Some authorities suggest that the flows are now closer to original. I will then suggest that we proceed to setting a date for the near future. What about Saturday 26th Oct or the following Saturday the 2nd November?