I took some photos when i ventured further than i ever had before along our boundary. There are some hairy spots to negotiate but it’s worth it to see these places and yes we are responsible for them.
Like this private beach (There is at least three similar sites along the boundary):
And this gorge (Which the deer and goats use to cross the Snowy River):
where on this map is this?
click link for map
( https://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?msid=212326704049490567888.0004c6f1201d4febfcf4d&msa=0&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=-36.437854,148.678793&spn=0.034525,0.023861&t=h&source=embed )
I grabed a screen shot of Muns’ map and labled it to the original post….. hope this helps your orientation of the locations in question. Photograph of the beach is at lable “beach #3”. and obviously the gorge is at lable “Animal Crossing”.
I have also added a pic (Snowy River Cool)from location “beach #1” to jameses entry: http://jindy.portaloz.tv/2013/02/14/no-updates-here-is-everyone-ok/
Cool 🙂